Frequently Asked Questionsfaq-icon

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The success rate of IVF depends on certain factors, especially age. Women who are under 35 years have 40% chances of getting success in the first cycle. The rate is 65% by the sixth attempt. However, for women, over 42 have a 4% success rate.
Yes, normal delivery is possible in IVF. However, these cases are treated as high-risk labour case.
Although bed rest was recommended traditionally, recent studies have shown that bed rest doesn’t help women in having a baby.
Yes, you can use stairs when needed. However, you should not run up and down them and should not do it if not necessary.
Travelling is not known to impact IVF pregnancy. However, since every case is different, one must consult their specialist before travelling and getting clarity.
Include at least 48 grams of whole grain in each meal after embryo transfer. Include omega-3 rich food, and it is prudent to eat more protein.
You can do simple yoga and exercises, but you should refrain from strenuous exercises.
There is no evidence that shows one sleeping position to be better than another one. You can lie in any position in which you are comfortable.
In general, intercourse is discouraged following an embryo transfer up-to two weeks.
Yes. Most of the babies taking birth with IVF are healthy and normal. In case of complications, you are advised to consult your doctor.
You have to wait a few weeks for eggs to mature. It takes about four to six weeks to complete one cycle of IVF.
The IVF procedure does not require any hospitalisation. It does require a regular visit to the hospital for a couple of hours for some days or weeks.
A person can have as many IVF cycles as suggested by their doctor. But, to improve the odds, one should try for at least three IVF cycles.
Yes. It may be possible.
Miscarriage after IVF can happen in women who produce fewer eggs. Other women can also have a miscarriage, but the chances are fewer.
According to an estimate, 40% of women can experience bleeding after IVF. The bleeding can be caused due to a number of factors like medication.
The chances of having twins or triplets with IVF are comparatively higher than a normal pregnancy. The chances of IVF reaches 25% with IVF, generally.
Some studies show that there are seasonal effects on pregnancy, with high birth rates in summers. However, studies are still going on in this realm.
Yes. The eggs and sperms are taken from you and your partner’s body. Also, the baby is developed in your body. Therefore, the child is surely yours.
Yes. Women giving birth through IVF have more chances of preterm delivery.